let's you view financial time-series data and manipulate them using mathematical operators. You can also view corporate filings and click on a label to pull up the associated data as a time-series or to compare among peer companies. It includes macroeconomic data from extensive online datasets, time-series data from all US filings and market data from exchanges across the globe. All of these time-series can be analyzed using algorithms we make available over a web interface.
ThinkNum analysis engine is powered by a semantic web connecting over two thousand data sources. This data can be analyzed by an ever growing library which currently exposes over a thousand data analysis algorithms. - Intersection of Mathematics Computer Science and Social Sciences |
Data: ThinkNum includes a lot of data that we hope would be useful for econometric analysis. We have data from over 2000 data sources. One can browse the data at symbolsView
Wesley R. Gray, PhD, says "I predict that technology is going to disrupt the entire financial services economy. Technology will democratize financial knowledge and data, which will allow investors to peek inside the massive conflicts-of-interest box we call “Wall Street.” Once investors are educated and empowered, fees for financial planning will be cut in half. The days of “two and twenty” will be limited to uber niche and highly specialized asset managers. Fees for financial data services will be cut in half (watch out Capital IQ, Factset, and Bloomberg). On the prediction that “Fees for financial data services will be cut in half (watch out Capital IQ, Factset, and Bloomberg)” I present a new tool produced by Greg Ugwi. Greg is a Princeton graduate and worked at the Vampire Squid (Also known as Goldman Sachs). He’s developed an unbelievable tool for fundamental investors called" Read more about it at: provides a platform for doing counter-factual data analysis. Traditionally investors have relied on Wall Street analyst projections of companies intrinsic values but with the new spreadsheet-like Web App ‘Cash Flow Model’ from, individuals can easily build their own models. Wall Street analysts typically do not disclose the models used in arriving at their buy, sell or hold recommendations. Users can view and change any formula or assumption that drives the final valuation. This would help you in fact-checking and in conducting 'what-if' analysis. Google DCF 3 Statement Model is an example of a model I built recently for valuing Google's stock. To get started all a user needs is a ticker. The application is completely free. You can view and change all of the formulae used in the model and no longer need to rely on buy/sell recommendations from stock brokers and Wall Street analysts who refuse to disclose their opaque proprietary models. Models can be saved online, downloaded into spreadsheets and uploaded from spreadsheets.
Given a ticker, this application can be used to compute the intrinsic value of the associated company. Financial Model of Google is an example which computes the intrinsic value of Google. The model pulls historical data for the balance sheet, income statement and statement of cashflows from corporate filings. Based on the specified growth assumptions, the model projects cashflows that would accrue to equity investors. Finally the intrinsic value of the company is computed by discounting the cashflows at the appropriate discount rate. Using this application, users can build models for multiple companies as opposed to traditional spreadsheet models where the hard-coded data must be updated manually. Cash Flow Model - Predict the Future of any Company by altering the Input Variables.
A cash flow model is a tool for translating projections of a company’s future operating performance like revenue growth and costs of goods into an intrinsic value for the company. Without viewing the assumptions underlying a model, a leap of faith is required in order to use the model’s outputs. With Thinknum, users can view and change any formula or assumption that drives the valuation. The interactive nature of the application allows users to conduct ‘what-if’ analysis to test how sensitive a company’s valuation is to changes in a specific performance measure.
One important caveat is any model is only as good as the assumptions underlying it. We provide data from over 2,000 sources in an attempt to place proper context around companies and help analysts make the best assumptions based on all the information available. ThinkNum users can plot any number in the cash flow models over time. Visualizing numbers over time and comparing metrics across the industry help users gain insight into the company’s historical performance and how such performance might vary going forward. For example, simply type total_revenue(goog) into the expression window to pull up the total historical revenue for Google. You can then click on the bar graphs to pull up the corporate filings used in the charts. We are excited about the role the web can play in helping us make better decisions by rationally analyzing available data.
To get started, all that is needed is a stock ticker. After entering the ticker, Thinknum displays a model using the mean of analysts’ revenue growth projections. We load the historical numbers for the company’s balance sheet, income statement and the statement of cash flows from corporate filings. We then use the growth assumptions to project how the company’s financial performance will evolve over time and how much value will ultimately accrue to shareholders. Users can modify the model or build one from scratch. Users can also download the models into Excel spreadsheets.
Just enter a Ticker Symbol like 'GOOG' above and see what happens. Given a company ticker, a user can compute the intrinsic value of a stock using Discounted Cash Flow Analysis. All future assumptions/predictions can be 'diddled' by you, as computations are done on the client side using javascript. On top of this, it gives users the ability to leverage multiple financial equations as well as decide how many statements they want to use as a base line model.
Functions: has an advanced user interface in which users can specify functions which they would like to perform analysis on right off of the ThinkNum website. ThinkNum maintains a high level of credibility in how these functions are implemented in that they list all of the code that enters each of the functions so that there is no behind the curtain ambiguity. Function Current Liabilities to net worth ratio - amount due to creditors | can easily generate a wide range of charts using data names to identify which data sets to use and functions to define how to modify the data sets. For example:
For example: Say you were interested in how google stock price is moving with respect to the S&P 500. You want to compare both the daily rate and the 30 day simple moving average and have them plotted on the same graph. The following command will do this. sma(^spx,30);^spx;sma(goog*2,30);(goog*2); sma is the "simple moving average" while ^spx specifies the S&P 500 with goog Google and the 30 is the 30 day moving average. Note, I have multiplied the Google by 2 so that we can see them more clearly on the same graph since the stock price of Google is about half that of the S&P and price scales are arbitrary generally.
For example: Say you were interested in how google stock price is moving with respect to the S&P 500. You want to compare both the daily rate and the 30 day simple moving average and have them plotted on the same graph. The following command will do this. sma(^spx,30);^spx;sma(goog*2,30);(goog*2); sma is the "simple moving average" while ^spx specifies the S&P 500 with goog Google and the 30 is the 30 day moving average. Note, I have multiplied the Google by 2 so that we can see them more clearly on the same graph since the stock price of Google is about half that of the S&P and price scales are arbitrary generally.
function: sma(^spx,30);^spx;sma(goog*2,30);(goog*2); has dozens of other functions. You can browse the function library here:
In addition, ThinkNum has released an R package called "Thinknum" with the single function "Thinknum" which allows for time series data to be imported directly into R.
goog <- Thinknum("goog")
plot(goog, type="l")
Read more about this at:
Functions are used to encapsulate one or more computational operations. In order to use a function, a user needs to specify the function name, and, optionally, arguments or parameters. An example is correl(yield@2yr, yield@10yr) which is a function used to compute the Pearson correlation between 2 time-series, in this case - the 2 year interest rate and 10 year interest rate. For documentation of the functions we currently support, please see Function Linear Regression Linest gs spx | Function price to earnings PE | Function SALES Corporate Finance returns net sales revenue | Bank Cash Assets at Fed Reserve - Banks are still not lending | Banks increased Agency Vs Non-Agency Mortgages - Herding Continues
Find, understand and share data - The open portal to thousands of datasets from leading global providers. Explore, upload your own data, create beautiful visualizations and reports in seconds – it’s free! The data you need - at your fingertips.
ThinkNum has historical and current market data on equities, interest rates, exchange rates, commodities, real estate and much more. All of ThinkNum's market data is free, with no restrictions on its use. Economics data on ThinkNum comes from a variety of reliable and credible sources, including the IMF, the World Bank, the US Federal Reserve, central banks and government statistical agencies around the world. All data on ThinkNum is guaranteed to be the freshest possible version of that data, brought to you directly from the original publisher of that data, with link-backs for validation and transparency.
Investors have traditionally relied on Wall Street analysts for projections of companies’ intrinsic values. Wall Street analysts typically come up with their valuations using Discounted Cash flow (DCF) analysis. However, they do not disclose the proprietary models used for arriving at buying, selling or holding recommendations. ThinkNum has a solution which allows users to build their own models.
Thinknum's Data Sources: Market data on ThinkNum comes from a variety of reliable and credible sources:
Primary Sources: Nearly 100 stock, futures and commodity exchange, clearing-houses and trade organizations
Secondary Sources: Data aggregators including Google and Yahoo Finance, and newspapers like the WSJ and the Nikkei, central banks, regulators, statistical agencies and other government or quasi-government organizations
ThinkNum is a collaborative effort. If there's a dataset or source that you would like added to ThinkNum's markets portal, please let them know.
This page lists a few of ThinkNum's "major" data sources. In addition to these sources, ThinkNum has many more "minor" sources with less than 100 datasets apiece. All dataset counts are approximate.
PLOTTER: The plotter is used to display the data associated with a particular expression as a chart. Users can format the chart and save their settings. Each saved chart is associated with a unique chart ID. The
chartId can be used to reference the formatted chart at a permanent URL as shown at Charts can be embedded in iframes as shown Users can organize multiple saved charts in sets. For example, I organized the various metrics I track to gauge home prices at Home Price Indicators. | Blog JPM Putback Risk | Blog Mortgage Putback Risk abs15g Dodd-Frank rule |
ThinkNum indexes financial data by exposing it to a simple application programming interface (API). It serves as a financial analysis engine that brings information typically found in Wall Street to an open platform. The engine connects to over two hundred data sources, and can be analyzed in a library with over a thousand data analysis algorithms. It provides users with curve trade and regression functions, among other algorithms from academia and quant trading. The company currently offers two applications for investment decisions: ThinkNum Plotter and ThinkNum Cashflow Engine. ThinkNum Plotter manipulates time series data using mathematical expressions and analyzes data without writing code. ThinkNum Cashflow Engine views discounted cash flow models online. All assumptions in the model can be changed by the user. Read more at :
| Blog TRW Automotive there is still some upside left
| Chicago Fed Adjusted National Financial Conditions Index |
Expressions: Expressions are central to our applications and our API. Expressions allow users to reference and manipulate ThinkNum data without the need to write code. Expressions also enable third-party developers to run analysis on our servers through a simple API.
An expression is a combination of data-tickers, arithmetic operators and functions.
is an example of an expression. This expression references the spread between the thirty day simple moving averages of investment grade and non-investment grade asset-backed securities' prices.
An expression is a combination of data-tickers, arithmetic operators and functions.
is an example of an expression. This expression references the spread between the thirty day simple moving averages of investment grade and non-investment grade asset-backed securities' prices. Chicago Fed National Activity Index |
ThinkNum's goal is to give Main-street investors a simple-to-use charting tool that taps into some of the macro-level data that the big boys have at their fingertips. In researching this post, I learned there are other econ graphing tools available on the Web: for example, the World Bank has a nice plotting tool on its site, and a world-famous Princeton blogger favors a charting tool from the Federal Reserve Bank. What ThinkNum has going for it is that it lets you create interactive and embeddable graphs using very simple commands. The Wolfram Alpha comparison is a not a completely unfair one, and in fact it was part of the inspiration behind ThinkNum. Though it doesn’t have Alpha’s natural language capabilities, once you learn the macro commands–or you can simply click on their helpful tree of time series data–you can then assemble it all in Alpha-like fashion into more complicated algebraic expressions. For example, to graph the spread between 10 and 2 year treasure rates, you subtract one variable from the other. ThinkNum also provides basic statistical functions–moving average, linear regressions, etc. In my own experiments, I found a remarkable relationship between GDP and capacity utilization: when one rises so does the other. Seriously, you get the idea: use ThinkNum as an econ sketchpad to work out your own ideas, and also share your creations with others through ThinkNum’s gallery feature. ThinkNum also provides web APIs, allowing its data to be fed into other apps. It also has attracted R users through its own package, which means you can then let this statical language’s enormous machinery take over. - See more at: Chicago Fed National Financial Conditions Credit Sub Index | Chicago Fed National Financial Conditions Index | Chicago Fed National Financial Conditions Leverage Sub Index | Chicago Fed National Financial Conditions Risk Sub Index | Chicago Fed National Non Financial Conditions Leverage Sub Index | Coincident Economic Activity Index for the Texas | Coincident Economic Activity Index for the United States | CredAbility Consumer Distress Index for Housing | Credit Mortgage outstanding RMBS and CMBS | Cumulative Mortgage CMO Issuance Non Agency | Daily Treasury Yeild Curve Rates 20 year - Real Yields are Negative | Demo Video Basic Introduction | Demo Video Creating and Sharing Charts | Equities - Profits - Apple Vs Google Vs Microsoft | Equities - Research Expense - Apple Vs Google Vs Microsoft | Equities - Revenue - Apple Vs Google Vs Microsoft | Equities - Stock Performance - Apple Vs Google Vs Microsoft | Gold Fixing price 3 PM in london Bullion Market USD | Google Business Overview | Govt Credit Outstanding Munis Treasuries Agency Mortgages | Home Price Index for Los Angeles California | ISM Manufacturing Inventories Index | JP Morgan facing Putback Claims by Investors says FDIC is responsible | JP Morgan facing Putback Claims over 150 Billion from WAMU and Long beach | Mortgage REITS are levered - Puny Capital Vs Assets | Mortgage REITS Total Liabilities Vs Repo - Increasing use of Repo Funding | Nonfarm Private Goods Producing large Payroll Employment Nonfarm Private Goods Producing large Payroll Employment Nonfarm Private Service - Providing Small Payroll Employment | One Month Treasury Constant Maturity Rate |
One drawback to referencing data using tickers, as opposed to free-form names in a natural language such as English, is the initial hurdle new users face in familiarizing themselves with the chosen symbology. In our view, this initial cost is minuscule when compared with the power data-tickers unleash by allowing users to analyze data without having to write code. Our users typically do not interact with data-tickers directly but rather use tickers in the context of interactive applications.
One drawback to referencing data using tickers, as opposed to free-form names in a natural language such as English, is the initial hurdle new users face in familiarizing themselves with the chosen symbology. In our view, this initial cost is minuscule when compared with the power data-tickers unleash by allowing users to analyze data without having to write code. Our users typically do not interact with data-tickers directly but rather use tickers in the context of interactive applications.
Classic arithmetic operators can be used to manipulate Thinknum time-series data. For example, in order to reference the two year ten year spread, a user need only type yield@10yr-yield@2yr
. ThinkNum pulls up both time-series, joins them based on their respective dates and subtracts the values on each date to come up with the correct output.
In general, operators and data-tickers can be arbitrarily combined. is an application that demonstrates the value of operators in more involved use-cases.
Classic arithmetic operators can be used to manipulate Thinknum time-series data. For example, in order to reference the two year ten year spread, a user need only type
. ThinkNum pulls up both time-series, joins them based on their respective dates and subtracts the values on each date to come up with the correct output.
In general, operators and data-tickers can be arbitrarily combined. is an application that demonstrates the value of operators in more involved use-cases. PMMS 30 Yr FRM Interest rate National - USA | REITS increased Agency Vs Non-Agency Holdings - Herding Accelerating | Simple Moving Average sma ABS Customer Sells Volume Market data | St. Louis Fed Financial Stress Index | Total US Debt in System - No Deleverage | Wall Street Deleverage - Assets Increasing Vs Liabilities DATA SOURCES
International Organizations
Name Datasets Description Code
United Nations link 2,100,000 Cross-country statistics on trade, energy, environment, agriculture, demography, labour, development, health and more UN, UNDOC
World Bank link 792,000 Cross-country statistics on development, education, economy and health WORLDBANK
EuroStat link 321,000 Social and economic statistics for European Union member nations EUROSTAT
Food and Agricultural Organization link 200,000 Datasets on farming, fisheries, livestock and related topics including agricultural infrastructure, hunger, environment and sustainability. FAO
World Health Organization link 59,000 International health, disease, mortality and healthcare system data WHO, WHO_TB
Global Environment Outlook link 47,000 Global environmental assessment data GEOCOMP
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development link 28,000 Economic and other statistics for 34 advanced economies OECD
World Trade Organization link 2,000 Comprehensive international trade statistics WTO
International Telecommunications Union link 1,000 International telecoms and technology data ITU
Luxembourg Income Study link 1,000 Growth, income, poverty and inequality statistics across 100s countries. LIS
International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufactururers link 500 Vehicle production and sales from around the world. OICA
Central Banks
Name Datasets Description Code
Federal Reserve Economic Data link 61,000 Economic and financial data from over 50 primary sources FRED
Federal Reserve Bank link 17,000 US national and international economic and financial indicators FED
Bundesbank link 29,000 German and international time series data BUNDESBANK
Central Bank of Brazil link 16,000 Brazilian financial statistics and international economic data BCB
Swiss National Bank link 39,000 Swiss financial and economic data including banking system statistics SNB
European Central Bank link 8,000 Monetary and financial statistics for the Euro are ECB
Bank for International Settlements link 4,000 Cross-border banking and regulation statistics BIS
Bank of France link 2,000 Statistics on the economy and finances of France BOF
Bank of Israel link 2,000 Statistics on the economy and finances of Israel BANKISRAEL
Bank of Mexico link 700 Statistics on the economy and finances of Mexico BDM
Bank of England link 300 Monetary and financial statistics for the United Kingdom BOE
Bank of Japan link 200 Economic indicators for Japan BOJ
Reserve Bank of New Zealand link 200 Economic and financial indicators for New Zealand. RBNZ
People's Bank of China link 100 Statistics on the Chinese economy PBCHINA
Bank of Canada link 100 Exchange rates, interest rates and price indexes for Canada BOC
Norges Bank link 100 Data on prices, financial stability and monetary policy for Norway NORGES
Reserve Bank of Australia link 100 Statistics on the
US Bureaus and Agencies
Name Datasets Description Code
Department of Energy link 440,000 Energy production, consumption, efficiency and usage patterns DOE, EIA
Bureau of Economic Analysis link 107,000 Economic statistics including national income and product accounts BEA
Bereau of Labor Statistics link 6,000 Labor statistics including unemployment and earnings. BLS
Securities and Exchange Commission link 5,000 Corporate information including dividends SEC
National Bureau of Economic Research link 4,000 Macro-economic data for the US and the world NBER
Census Bureau link 3,000 Statistics on population, employment, business and society USCENSUS
Patent and Trademark Office link 2,000 Statistics on patent and trademark applications and issuance USPTO
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration link 1,200 Data involving traffic fatalities and collisions across states. NHTSA
Department of Agriculture link 7,000 National and international data on agricultural production and prices USDAERS, USDAFAS,USDANASS
Bureau of Transportation Statistics link 1,500 Data on the US transportation system. BTS_MM
Center for Education Statistics link 500 School and college level education data NCES
Agency for International Development link 500 Statistics on American aid to the developing world USAID
Center for Disease Control link 400 Basic statistics on births, deaths, marriages and mortality. CDC
More US Bureaus and Agencies represented on Thinknum: OMB, CBO, FBI-UCR, Justice, Freddie Mac, New York Fed, Kansas City Fed, Philly Fed
Non-US Statistical Agencies
Name Datasets Description Code
Statistics Canada link 359,000 Comprehensive data on Canada, via the CANSIM database CANSIM
International Labour Organization link 230,000 International labor data deprecating LABORSTAT. ILO
Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics link 110,000 Brazil's statistical agency's time series database. In Portuguese. IBGE
Australian Bureau of Statistics link 85,000 Statistical data on Australia. AUSBS
Statistics Norway link 40,000 Data on Norwegian society and economics. STATNOR
UK Office of National Statistics link 14,000 Statistics on the United Kingdom, including the Blue Book annual report UKONS
National statistics Institute of Spain link 13,000 Spain's population, society, economy, industry, agriculture, services, and environment. NSIS
Statistics Indonesia link 2,000 Data on all aspects of Indonesia's society, economy and industry. STATS_INDONESIA
Portugal Contemporary Database link 1,000 Statistics on Portugals population, health, education, employment, undustry, government, economy, environment and more. PORDATA
National Bureau of Statistics China link 200 Social and economic data on China STATCHINA
Russian Federation Statistics Service link 200 Data on russia's economy and society. RFSS
Human Resources and Social Security China link 50 Social and economic data on China MOHRSS
More Non-US Statistics: Environment Canada, CMHC
Financial Data
Name Datasets Description Code
Open Financial Data Project link 900,000 Futures (CME, ICE, CFTC), indexes (WSJ), financial ratios (Damodaran) and more OFDP
Google Finance link 43,000 US equities GOOG
Yahoo Finance link 40,000 US mutual funds and ETFs, global indexes YAHOO
NASDAQ link 2,500 Short interest for NASDAQ stocks. NASDAQ
National Stock Exchange of India link 2,000 India equities NSE
NYSE Euronext link 1,500 European equities NYX
Thinknum link 1,000 Exchange rates Thinknum
Chicago Board Options Exchange link 500 Volatility indexes and futures CBOE, CBOEFE
Eurekahedge link 300 Hedge fund performance data EUREKA
World Federation of Exchanges link 300 Comparative market statistics for exchanges around the world WFE
Standard and Poor's link 200 Housing and equity indexes including Case-Shiller SANDP, SPDJ
Asian Bond Market Initiative link 50 ASEAN database on bond issuance in South East Asia ABMI
Think Tanks and Academia
Name Datasets Description Code
Thomas Brinkhoff link 14,000 Historical population data for large cities all over the world CITYPOP
Penn World Tables link 5,000 International comparisons of production, income and prices PENN
Gapminder Foundation link 2,000 Data on social, economic and environmental development at local, national and global levels GAPM
Groningen Growth and Development Centre link 1,900 A department of the University of Groningen focusing on global growth rates. GGDC
Angus Maddison link 500 Global GDP and population data from AD 1 MADDISON
Pacific Institute link 400 Data on global water policy and issues PACINST
Economics Web Institute link 300 Miscellaneous global economic data ECONWEBINS
Earth Policy Institute link 300 Data on the environment and sustainable development EPI
Public Sector Credit Solutions link 200 Global sovereign debt and budget sustainability data PSCS
Economic Policy Institute link 200 Data on the US economy, including growth, education, inequality, and other topics. ECPI
More Think Tanks and Academia: Demographia, CSP, Johnston, Shiller, Fama-French, UHERO, Measuring Worth, Tax Policy Center
Private Sector Sources
Name Datasets Description Code
Institute for Supply Management link 25 Data on new orders, production, inventories and employment ISM
National Association of Home Builders link 25 Statistics on housing construction NAHB
National Fire Protection Association link 20 Statistics on fires, firemen, and safety NFPA
National Association of Realtors link 10 Real estate statistics and indexes NAR
Newspaper Association of America link 10 Circulation, advertising and other media statistics NAA
ADP Research Institute link 5 Payrolls and employment data ADP
Zillow link 900,000 House prices, rental rates and sales statistics, by a large number of geographic divsors. ZILLOW
British Petroleum link 100 Data on the global energy industry BP
Baker Hughes link 100 Oil rig counts in the USA and internationally BKRHUGHES
Thinknum is a collaborative project. If there is any other source that you think should be on Thinknum, please email us.
US Interest Rates 90+ key interest rates for the USA, including treasuries, corporates, consumer, credit, indexes and more.
US Sector Indexes 60+ sectoral stock indexes for the USA, showing performance for various slices of the US economy.
Chinese Asset Markets Stocks, bons, money supply, interest and exchange rates for China.
Commodities Spot and/or futures prices for 76 commodities and 12 commodity indexes.
Futures 200+ futures contracts from 10+ exchanges, with prices, commitments, and continuous contract info.
Currencies Exchange rates versus the U.S. Dollar for over 200 currencies.
G-10 Cross Rates FX cross rates for 10 major currencies.
G-20 Markets by Size Equity and bond market capitalizations and trading volumes for the G-20 economies
Global Stock Indexes 85+ global stock market indexes representing 60+ stock exchanges from Amman to Zagreb.
Global Interest Rates Real interest rates for 200+ countries, from the World Bank (annual data).
Global Markets Overview 25 major global stock market indexes, 20 commodities, 20 reference interest rates, and 20 foreign exchange rates.
Commodities Spot and futures prices for 70+ commodities and 10+ commodity indexes from around the world.
Futures 60+ contracts from 10+ exchanges, with prices, commitments, historical and continuous contract data.
Currencies Exchange rates versus the US Dollar for 200+ currencies.
Bitcoin Exchange rates, number in circulation, market capitalization and transaction statistics for Bitcoin.
Cross Rates FX cross rates for 10 major currencies.
US Stocks Index of 15,000+ North American stocks.
US Sectors 60+ sectoral indexes for the United States.
US Rates 90+ key interest rates for the United States.
China Markets Stocks, bonds, money supply, interest and exchange rates for China.
World Markets 25 global stock indexes, 20 commodities, 20 interest rates, and 20 foreign exchange rates.
World Stocks 85+ global stock market indexes representing 60+ stock exchanges, from Amman to Zagreb.
US Economy 100 economic and financial indicators that capture the state of the US economy.
US Entrepreneurship Data on entrepreneurs, angel investors and venture capital.
US Unemployment Unemployment data for the United States, by age, sex, race, occupation, education and state.
US Housing Overview US house price indexes, sales, mortgage rates, construction and financing data, by state and region.
US Housing Segments US house prices, rental rates and sales statistics, by state, county, metro, city, zip and neighbourhood.
US Trade Top trading partners, imports and exports for the United States.
US Taxes Tax rates and receipts, by category and bracket.
US Forecasts CBO projections for growth, inflation and employment.
Global Overview 10 key economic indicators (including GDP, inflation, unemployment and debt) for 20 major economies.
US Entrepreneurship Data on entrepreneurs, angel investors and venture capital.
US Trade Top Trading Partners, Import and Exports for the United States.
US Economic Indicators 100 economic and financial indicators that capture the state of the US economy.
US Unemployment Comprehensive unemployment data for the United States, sliced along various dimensions.
US Housing Housing data for the United States, including price indexes, sales totals, mortgage rates and home construction.
US Economic Projections Projections on Output, Prices, Labor and more.
US Taxes Revenues from taxes and tax rates.
US Transportation Transportation statistics including fuel prices, fatalities, vehicle ownership and infrastructure.
US Education School and college enrollment and graduation rates by level, state, gender and race.
US Crime Data about violent crime in the United States. Includes weapons ownership data.
OECD Murder Assault deaths per 100,000 persons, for 33 OECD countries.
US Violent Crime Datasets pertaining to violent crime in the United States. Sources included the FBI, DOJ, polls and academic surveys.
OECD Murder Rates Current and historical murder rates (assault deaths per 100,000 people) for 33 countries. Data is per the OECD.
US Education Education statistics including graduation rates, dropout rates, and composition of students.
US Transportation Transportation statistics including fuel prices, fatalities and car ownership.
List of All Countries List of 200+ countries with societal data. Click on any country listed on this page to see 100+ social indicators for that country. Countries are grouped by region.
List of All Indicators List of 100+ societal indicators. Click on any indicator listed on this page to see the value of that indicator across 200+ countries and regional groups. Indicators are grouped by theme.
Health Index of 280+ Health topic pages.
Education Index of 300+ Education topic pages.
Energy Index of 600+ Energy topic pages.
Demography Index of 280+ Demography topic pages.
USA Overview Comprehensive data on the United States: economics, society, culture, demography and more.
USA Economy 100 economic and financial indicators that capture the state of the US economy.
USA Unemployment Unemployment data for the United States, by age, sex, race, occupation, education and state.
USA Housing Overview House price indexes, sales, mortgage rates, construction and financing data, by state and region.
USA Housing Segments House prices, rental rates and sales statistics, by state, county, metro, city, zip and neighbourhood.
USA Trade Top Trading Partners, Imports and Exports for the United States.
USA Taxes Tax rates and receipts, by category and bracket.
USA Forecasts CBO projections for growth, inflation and employment.
USA Stocks 60+ sectoral indexes for the United States.
USA Rates 90+ key interest rates for the United States.
USA Currencies Exchange rates versus the US Dollar for 200+ currencies.
USA Health Deaths, disease and healthcare system indicators for the USA.
USA Education School and college enrollment and graduation rates by level, state, gender and race.
USA Transportation Transportation statistics including fuel prices, fatalities, vehicle ownership and infrastructure.
USA Crime Data about violent crime in the United States. Includes weapons ownership data.
USA Demography Population, births and deaths, health and disease, education, economic activity.
Japan Overview of economic, demographic and society data for Japan.
Germany Overview of economic, demographic and society data for Germany.
Brazil Overview of economic, demographic and society data for Brazil.
India Overview of economic, demographic and society data for India.
Russia Overview of economic, demographic and society data for Russia.
Indonesia Overview of economic, demographic and society data for Indonesia.
United Kingdom Overview of economic, demographic and society data for The United Kingdom.
Canada Overview of economic, demographic and society data for Canada.
France Overview of economic, demographic and society data for France.
AAPL Apple Inc. prices and financial ratios.
BAC Bank of America prices and financial ratios.
GE General Electric prices and financial ratios.
GM General Motors prices and financial ratios.
GOOG Google Inc. prices and financial ratios.
IBM International Business Machines prices and financial ratios.
MSFT Microsoft Corp. prices and financial ratios.
T AT&T prices and financial ratios.
WMT Wal-Mart prices and financial ratios.
XOM Exxon Mobile prices and financial ratios.
Thinknum Stock Index
This is the index to Thinknum's topic pages on North American (US and Canadian) stocks.
Thinknum has prices, descriptive information, balance sheet and cash flow information, valuation measures, financial ratios and market activity for over 15,000 stocks trading on the NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX and TSX.
Simply type in the name or the ticker symbol of the stock into the search box below.
Search Stock by Name or Ticker
API Access
15,000 names x 50+ indicators all available via the API. Please see Using the API for stock fundamentals
List of Economic Indicators Across Countries
Real GDP Growth
GDP Per Capita
GDP Per Capita at PPP
GDP as Share of World GDP at PPP
Real GDP
Labour Force
Unemployment Rate
Youth Unemployment
Age Dependency Ratio
Minimum Wage
Exchange Rate Nominal
Exchange Rate at PPP
Change in Consumer Price Index
GDP Deflator
Broad Money M2
Private Sector Credit
Capital Markets
Stock Market Index
Stock Market Capitalization
Deposit Interest Rate
Lending Interest Rate
Spread Over US Treasuries
Lending Risk Premium
Real Interest Rate
Government Finances
Government Revenues
Government Spending
Primary Surplus or Deficit
Net Debt
Revenues as Share of GDP
Spending as Share of GDP
Surplus or Deficit as Share of GDP
Net Debt as Share of GDP
Industry and Business
Industrial Production YOY
Industrial Production MOM
Change in Inventories
Total Investment
National Savings
Household Consumption Expenditures
Productive Sectors
Agriculture Share of GDP
Industry Share of GDP
Services Share of GDP
Agriculture Share of Employment
Industry Share of Employment
Services Share of Employment
International Trade
Reserve Assets
FDI Inbound
FDI Outbound
Imports as Share of GDP
Exports as Share of GDP
Balance of Payments
Trade Balance
Current Account Balance
External Debt
Trade Balance as Share of GDP
Current Account Balance as Share of GDP
External Debt as Share of GDP
Tax Structure
Tax Rate as Share of Commercial Profits
Net Tax Revenue as Share of GDP
Goods and Services Taxes Rev.
Income Profit and Capital Gains Taxes Rev.
International Trade Taxes Rev.
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